Guys before launching your website be 100% sure about that you are using a duplicate cointent or duplicate images or not, may be you dont have any idea that some is all ready published your content or image all ready on the web, Google consider you as duplicate content holer or image holder and Google will penalize you for using other stuff on your website.

"Some times some people says ooo its my article I published on some article directory and after some year I published on my website " what is the propblem with that? But you have to understand Google bot is machine it will consider that the content is all ready published on other website and u have published once more time it will be considered as duplicate content.

Before clean up your content and images please do not optimize your website, its my suggestion because in common experience most of the webmaster are less concerned about Google new algorithm for duplicate content and images and 70% website contains the duplicate content and images.
So be careful and correct your website and make it profitable.
To know more about duplicate content and image call us:
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